February 27, 2014

Foretold (The Forsaken Saga, #4) is live!

Hey everyone,

So, again, sorry for the delay, but I'm happy to finally announce that Foretold, the fourth book in The Forsaken Saga, is now live!

I already posted the cover here yesterday, but I think it's worth another look.. it's my favorite by far in the whole series.


Buy Links:

          Barnes and Noble          Amazon.com          Amazon.co.uk     


In the epic fourth book of The Forsaken Saga, Nora comes face to face with the elders for the first time. With Hunter and the angels at her side, she will try to do that which no one has done: destroy the elders, and break their terrible reign of power.

But it will not be easy. The elders have held on to their posts since the first memories of the Vassiz. Will prophecy be enough to guide Nora against them?

If she succeeds, the world as she knows it will change forever. But if she does not, everyone she knows will suffer a terrible fate. She is determined, but there are hidden secrets that may yet prevent her from reaching her goals..


  1. This book was awesome, I'm curious if there will be more?

  2. Just finished reading the 4 books in 2 weeks. Really enjoyed them and I am hoping book 5 will be along soon, as hearing what happened to all the characters after their battles and how they moved on would be a great ending.
    Well written and much loved saga by myself. Top marks to the written :) well done hun xxx

  3. Just finished reading this book and all I can say is that it's was an amazing read, couldn't put it down. Will certainly be getting book 5 if it comes along :)

  4. I started reading the dream realms trilogy when you first released it. Your books reminded me how much I loved to read and got me to start reading for my own personal pleasure once again! I remember when I would get home form work and read them until 2/3 in the morning lol I cannot wait to re-read the series with your additions :) well, that and for it to be recognized as the great series it is and be brought into movie production ;D

  5. I finished book 4 soon after it was released and have been looking forward to book 5. Is there an updated ETA? Eagerly awaiting!!
